Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Learn to be a Great Momma

One thing I can say about the lessons to be a mother, no day is exactly the same. Every day, giving lessons and experiences are different and valuable. Through the day as a mother brings happiness, joy, tears, personal and spiritual discipline, but most of them take the love that continues to grow.

As mothers, we must be prepared every day to deal with change, challenges, lessons to come. We must also keep our minds and eyes to keep open to changes and challenges that may occur. That is why it is important to apply the Word of God in our daily lives, so that we can be equipped to raise our children that God has entrusted to lead a productive life.

Many women can bear children, but how much can be referred to as the "Great Momma?" 
I think, every woman has a God-given potential to be a great momma, as long as they give their life to God's lead. I want to learn to be a great momma and also great wife to my beloved husband.

When a woman becomes a mother, her life completely changed.  

For always being there for my child is a worthwhile task. And I hope, I can do it.

Because of my desire to bring income without leaving quality time with my child, I am trying to develop my skills and knowledge to blaze my own business.

God gave me talents, and it is my duty to develop the talents.

God gives, God takes. God’s name be ever blessed.

A few minutes ago, I received the sad news from Billy's cousin,Usi Emy. Her youngest daughter, Gloria, 3 years old, died earlier at 6 am local time.

Death is always shocking news. I did not expect, the little girl was gone, though very young age.
So mused, if I'm in the position Usi Emy.

God has given me my beloved family. But I do not know when the Lord took them away from me.
During this time, how much time I let it pass by in vain? How much quality time I spend with people whom I love? What I looking for? What chased? Was the property? Was the money? Was the position?

What have I sacrificed? Things that are valuable Was? Or things are mortal? Which can only be enjoyed while?
I do not want to regret later in the day for what I choose and I lead today. I want to spend the time that is truly valuable and quality with those whom I love. I really want God to help me to make a decision. Making the decision was not easy. Especially if it's our relationship with God is in trouble. We can not take the right decisions, if we do not come in sincerity and desire to fix this relationship.

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Es Puter Duren

Selamat hari Buruh...!!!...aku pribadi sih tidak terlalu suka dengan sebutan "buruh". Aku lebih suka menyebut Selamat hari Pekerja... !!! 

Bagiku, sebutan "buruh" seakan-akan mengindikasikan adanya perbedaan kelas atau tingkatan terhadap status atau profesi seseorang. Menurutku, apapun profesi, pekerjaan, jabatan seseorang, semua dipandang mulia di mata Tuhan jika dilakukan dengan benar di hadapan Tuhan. Entah sebagai tukang sayur, tukang bangunan, PRT, pekerja kantoran, semua halal jika dikerjakan dengan sepenuh hati di hadapan-Nya.

Untuk merayakan hari pekerja ini, tak ada salahnya kalau kita menikmati dinginnya Es Puter Duren...^_^...nikmatnyaaaa...

Dinginnya menyegarkan pikiran yang sudah mulai penat, membuka mata yang sudah mulai meredup kayak lampu 5 watt...sensasi durennya...hmmm..slurpp..sluurrpp..memberi semangat kembali untuk menyelesaikan outstanding pekerjaan yang belum rampung...

Semangaaattt...hidup pekerja..!!!

Kerja adalah kehormatan. Meski hasil tidak seberapa tetapi keringat yang menetes dari hasil kerja keras adalah sebuah kebanggaan.

Tidak jarang kita menghargai pekerjaan sebatas pada jumlah uang atau upah yang diterima. Kerja akan bernilai lebih jika itu menjadi kebanggaan bagi kita. Sekecil apapun peran dalam sebuah pekerjaan, jika kita kerjakan dengan sungguh-sungguh akan memberi nilai kepada manusia itu sendiri. Dengan begitu, setiap tetes keringat yang mengucur akan menjadi sebuah kehormatan yang pantas kita perjuangan (disadur dari Indonesian Photography).